※ご不明点等御座いましたら kyotoya@alpshome.net までいつでもご連絡お待ちしております。
Thank you for choosing to stay with us during your travels in Kyoto,
Please click on the link below for more details on VentVert Momoyama Hotel.
We highly recommend for you to either take screenshots of the files or print them out before the day of your reservation.
**If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us anytime at kyotoya@alpshome.net
【Appを使用しての連絡をご希望の方はご参照ください】[For those who request to contact us via an App]
【施設までの地図となります】[A Map to the Facility]
【施設付近の駐車場です】[Parking Places Close to the Facility]
【施設までの道順となります】[Detailed Route Directions to the Facility]